Gail Surwill Education Scholarship Application
The Education Foundation Board of Directors is now accepting proposals from Billings Public School educators for the Gail Surwill Education Scholarship award. The Gail Surwill Education Scholarship was created by Gail's friends and colleagues to recognize her talent and passion as an educator in Billings Public Schools. The goal of the scholarship is to provide BPS educators with an opportunity to submit requests for financial support for staff development. Mrs. Surwill's personal concern is to encourage growth in the following areas:
Universal Requirements
Selection & Notification
Final Evaluations of Project
Receipt of Grant Money
Continue the Online Application Process.
- Recognition and valuing of potential in a variety of areas, e.g. problem solvers, inventors, builders, technicians.
- Recognition of teaching as an interactive process, with the student an involved learner.
- Development of new assessment techniques.
- Assistance for teachers acquiring scientifically researched best practices in theory and instruction.
- Enhancing building level professional learning communities to prepare staff for 21st Century learners.
- Provision of educational opportunities for high potential students.
Universal Requirements
- Applicants must be Billings Public School personnel.
- Applicants must use the online application process and each section of the grant application must be completed for consideration.
- The project administrator is responsible for implementing the grant at his or her school. The grantees are the principals, teachers and/or classrooms affected by the project.
- Completed applications must have the appropriate authorization.
- The award amount is $500.
- Grant is intended to enhance and supplement the adopted District curriculum.
- Grant should focus on areas of Mrs. Surwill's concerns listed above.
- A project that includes educator training is acceptable.
- More than one grant proposal can be submitted from each site. An educator may collaborate on more than one proposal for separate/independent projects.
- Funded projects must be implemented within the 2022-23 school year.
- Grant funds are NOT available for projects already completed.
- Salaries and stipends are not eligible for funding.
Selection & Notification
- A screening committee will review the grant requests for selection and final approval.
- Notification and other correspondence will be directed to the project administrator.
- Notification of awards will occur in late April 2022.
- Final decision on grant awards will be the sole judgment of the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools Board.
Final Evaluations of Project
- The project administrator will be required to complete an on-line follow up form at the completion of the project or at the end of the project school year.
- The form will be completed on-line by the date indicated in the award winner notification letter.
Receipt of Grant Money
- Please allow up to four weeks for your funds to be available at your school after notification has been received.
- If the approved project funding is increased or decreased, you will receive notification in the winner's award letter.
- All grant funds are transferred to Billings Public School's business office upon approval.
- All materials purchased through each grant are the property of SD2. Any unspent dollars must be returned to the Education Foundation by June 1, 2023.
- Please contact the Education Foundation at or 406.281.5149.
Continue the Online Application Process.