get involved with partners in education today!
Partners in Education runs through the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools and works to promote and support education by building partnerships with local schools and businesses in the area. Partners in Education gives students the ability to explore the world around them while helping local businesses achieve their goals. We believe strength in community comes from the support and enthusiasm of each person to child, so get started today with Partners in Education and embrace the value of education today!
Please feel free to contact the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools with any questions or comments about Partners in Education. You can also submit your information through the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
In your response in the comment area, please indicate what items apply (see below 1-6.) When you have completed your answers, be sure to click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
1. My employer/organization is interested in becoming a partner with a local school.
2. Please send me information about Partners in Education programs.
3. Call me.
4. We have an existing partnership with a local school. Please share partnership resource materials with us and include us on the list of established partners.
5. Please add my employer group to your mailing list - we may become interested in starting a partnership in the future.
6. We would like to make a donation to the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools. Please contact us.
*If you are wanting to make a donation please include: donation amount, company/group name, your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and best time to call.