Elementary & teen Food pantry programS
"Keeping Kids Fed, Fit & Ready to Learn so they Grow to be Self-sufficient Adults Ready to Earn"
Teen Pantries, begun in 2011, are located in all three Billings Public High Schools, the Career Center, and the middle schools. The first Elementary Pantries opened in the spring of 2022 to begin service K-5 children receiving BackPack Meals but in need of evening meal support. These Elementary Pantries offer basic meal items as well as some hygiene items. The Teen Pantries provide groceries, toiletries, and some clothing supplies for middle and high school aged students, many of whom are homeless. Pantries are discreetly located and allow students access to basic necessities. Students who may benefit from the pantries are identified by school personnel and directed towards the pantry resource.
400+ students regularly use the teen pantries this school year. Donate today to ease the worry of empty stomachs and help students focus on their education.
suggested School Food pantry donations
Single serving sized containers of:
Dry Foods:
Follow the Food Pantry and BackPack Meals program on facebook!